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Walrus Audio is a collective of artists, musicians and engineers attempting to find the balance between art and performance in sound manipulation. Throughout the years we have been inspired by sounds created by our favorite companies: the perfect breakup on an overdrive; a thick, punchy distortion; an endlessly sustained reverb; a self-oscillating delay. We had to give it a shot. Through many months of late night breadboarding sessions, circuit problem-solving, and sonic tweaking we have come up with a range of guitar pedals as versatile as they are functional. From smooth fuzz to cutting overdrive, our attempts have been to highlight the functions that we would want from these particular sounds. Once we had an accurate idea of the sounds we were creating, we then tried to capture the feel and representation of the pedals through their individual artwork. This process was made possible by Oklahoma artist and musician Nathan Price. Taking stylistic inspiration from classically animated films and using freehand sketching, Nathan has perfectly captured what our pedals should look like. It is our goal to make guitar effects that are as interesting to play as they are to look at. So that’s what we are going to do.
Audio Engineers, Gear, Guitarists, Podcasts, Music Gear Talk
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