Paradox Effects is a company located in the border town of Tijuana, BC, México which started in late 2013.
“We decided to start our own company after talking about building our own pedals to make music, experimenting with electronics and making noise that satisfied our needs. Now Paradox has a line of pedals that go from oscillation Fuzzes to Delays with modulation. Our objective is not only to build pedals with high quality standards that meet a musician’s needs, but also to build devices that propose a universe where the duality of Sound and Visual are justified. We believe these devices to be a creative extension of the user, becoming something unique when used to make music.
Quality, Unique tones, Ergonomics and Experimentation are the values we seek to portray. Each one of our pedals is made by non replicant human hands in Northern México.”
Gear, Sharpen The Axe (Podcast)
Episode 39: Paradox Effects Live Clinic

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