The Nebula Music Podcast is an interview series that teaches you how to build and grow your music career using social media and other creative ways. Featuring interviews from musicians and entrepreneurs that used social media to catapult their career to the next level, The Nebula Music Podcast will dive into actionable strategies to propel your music career to the next level, no matter what stage you’re on.

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Playlist - Nebula Music Podcast


Benny Mayne

Plain and simple, Benny Mayne is the rising artist you never realized you were missing. Growing up in Toronto, CA with a love + appreciation for all...


John Mark McMillan Interview

John Mark McMillan is an incredibly talented songwriter who’s extensive credits and resume would leave you dumbfounded. An artist and Platinum...


Dylan Matthew

There is no better way to say it – Dylan Matthew is an incredibly talented artist. It’s abundantly clear that his approach to music comes from...