Category - Music Business


Episode 84: Stepping in It

Wow, there are quite a few companies just stepping in it right now and thus, we’re doing a show all about it — specifically what marketing &...


Episode 81: PESO Happy

Marketing today is about mastering PESO when dealing with media. But what is paid, earned, shared and owned look like in the REAL media mix world...


Episode 80: The T-Word

Generally, consumers (both b2b and b2c) do NOT trust marketing. And WHY would they? We have created a society where companies think it’s PERFECTLY...


Episode 79: Blaming Your Customers

Approaching the brink of bankruptcy once again Gibson keeps on stepping in it and this week’s comments from Henry J really didn’t make things better...


Episode 78: Measurement

“What gets measured gets managed,” they say and that’s certainly true.  But how do measure marketing’s success or failure in a given organization? ...


Len Trinca, CEO of Schoenhut

Founded in 1872, Schoenhut Piano Co. has brought to life the same, patented, state-of-the-art toy piano that has made a name for itself time-and-time...


Episode 73: Mind Science

For more shows like this one, visit and Connect To All Things Music. According to mind scientist (best job ever) Antonio Damsio “More may have been...


Episode 72: Firing the Client

The professional services business is all about relationships which are (surprisingly enough) two-way streets. And sometimes clients (whether they be...